Monday 4 June 2007

A Fresh Start

Once upon a time, not so long ago, I had a blog. However, a blog, like love, needs attention. It needs to be nurtured and tended to on a regular basis or it will shrivel up and die. It will lie, neglected and alone, and by the time you do actually get round to doing something about it, it's too late. And your blog will have gone off with someone else, possibly someone they met at work, or even in the queue at the Post Office, and you find yourself alone.
Suddenly you have things you want to say, but no-one to say them to...I'm not sure if this is still about blogging, I seem to have lost my thread somewhat. Sorry.
Quite simply, what I'm trying to say is that once I had a blog, it wasn't very good, so I'm going to try again, and hopefully this time I'll avoid making the same mistakes again.
Right, are you all sitting comfortably? Good, then I'll begin...


bethnoir said...

Gosh, you must have more interesting post office queues in your neck of the woods than we do here. Still, it is good not to neglect your blog, nurture it and it will bloom or something :-)

Gwen said...

Keep up the blogs Gari. You know it makes sense.

Gwen said...

I have now added you to my links because I like your style and I neeed some more men around my blog!