Thursday 14 June 2007


My stomach is in knots as I type this. Tonight I am doing something I've done for many years, that is I 'm taking my turn as a volunteer as the technician for the Talking Newspaper service in my town.
Unfortunately, tonight is my first night since we went digital. The old equipment was solid, reliable, easy, if you like and 100% analogue. The new stuff is apparently "really easy to use, once you get used to it" which is handy. My first sighting of the our new baby was on Monday, I had a 20 minute training session, and that was it. This morning I was e-mailed the training manual. And naturally enough, the instructions sent contradict everything I was taught on Monday. And I do mean everything, right down switching the bloody computer on.
It will be, I'm sure, an adventure. If I survive, I may even be tempted to scrap this blog piece entirely as I re-write my own personal history in a Stalinesque stylie. The spell checker wants me to say Stalinist, but I say blee to the spell checker. The spell checker says blew...


bethnoir said...

Best of luck with that, is the broadcast available to a wider audience, or just locals?
Spell checkers are often an annoying tool. Mine is convinced that my son is called Iguana, which he isn't, and object to my predeliction for 's' instead of 'z' in a variety of words.

Gari said...

An unmitigated disaster on all sides. Everything that was capapble of going wrong, went very wrong indeed. So I'll not be making any of last night's work available to a wider audience. Sorry. Iguana? I've heard worse. There's a local couple here who named their son Luke. Not normally a bad name, sadly they have the surname Warmbath. Parents can be very cruel. I always wanted to name my daughter Charlotte Sometimes. Who knows, I may yet.

bethnoir said...

Oh dear, sorry to hear of disaster ;-(
Hope you aren't too disheartened.
I think it's cool to have a name which features in a good song. There's quite a choice for girls, but not so many boys ones.

Gwen said...

Luke Warmbath! How excellent is that. I feel very sorry for poor Luke though. He may change his name when he is older.